A Sea boarding school
Zumayla, 13 years old, stomps her feet eagerly, curious to see what’s in the fishing net today.
Lobke,12, recoils. She wants nothing to do with the sea. She'd rather open her own shop when she grows up, with both feet on land. “I know a lot about the marine life, but I do not intend to use it. I’m here because I have to”, she says.
Zumayla on the other hand, sort of loves the ocean. She wants to work with the sea and children when she grows up.
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In 1906 the IBIS was a floating school for 80 boys on a 43 meter gunboat. A shelter for fishermen's orphans, recruiting and educating kids in the skills their parents could no longer transfer. At the age of twelve, the pupils left the ship to work on school fishing vessels.
Today, IBIS replaces the family life for both boys and girls from ages six and up, and provides them with a stabile environment and a marine education. A parenting, learning and living community in Bredene, sending the kids out at sea.